Presentation of Dostoevsky. Siberia. XXI century project took place on February, 9 Read >>
Regulations for the order and conditions of implementing the contest dedicated to the 190 th birthday anniversary of F.M. Dostoevsky Read >>
Omsk State Literary Museum offers:
Travelling exhibions.
- ‘F.M.Dostoevsky and Omsk ‘.
- ‘The country Belozeria’. From the archive of Omsk poet- T.M. Belozerov.
- ‘Eseniniana’. Unique collection of I.A. Sineokogo.
- ‘Maria Yurasova’s saga of Omsk ‘.
- ‘Our Silver Age’.
- ‘Cautious Dostoevsky’s world’.
Excursions for students and for senior pupils.
- ‘Literary Omsk in past and present’.
- ‘Our kind century we lived as humans:’ Omsk writers are at the front and in the rear.
- ‘I firmly went in the 30s:’ Literary life of Omsk in the 1920-1930.
- ‘I love the life so dearly and hot’. Life and creative work of F.M.Dostoevsky.
- ‘ Omsk jail’s barrack’.
Discussions for senior pupils.
- ‘The symbols of your Russia ‘. Symbolism of Russia and Omsk region.
- ‘Literary Omsk in present and past’.
- ‘Notes from ‘The House of Dead’ as an encyclopedia about the life in jail.
Part1. Theatre and song in a jail.
- ‘Notes from ‘The House of Dead’ as an encyclopedia about the life in jail.
Part2. Illustrations to the novel, Leonid Lamm.
- ‘The captain of air frigates’.
- ‘Our Eseniniana’. Poet’s life and creative work.
- ‘Literature and theatre: stage version’.
- ‘Your language is your image’.
- ‘Our Silver Age’. Omsk literary life at the turn of the 19 th and 20 th centuries.
- ‘Shakespeare. The secret of name’. Historical truth and great mystification.
(Only for 9-11 classes)
10. ‘I have no peace in my soul:’ Great Scottish poet- Robert Burns in translation of
Evgeny Feldman. (Only for 9-11 classes)
Discussions, literary plays. (For 1-9 classes).
- ‘Wizards come to people’. Literary conversation-game concerning the creative works of
K.I.Chukovsky and S.Ya. Marshak.
2. ‘Siberian wizard’. (By creative work of Petr Ershov)
3. ‘The word of a soldier’. Omsk writers are at the front and in the rear.
4. ‘I live on the rainbow’. (By creative work of T.M. Belozerov)
5. ‘We are from the childhood’. (By A.Ekzupery ‘Little Prince’).
(Only for 6-8 classes)
- ‘How we speak’. Discussion about the language culture.
- ‘Pushkin’s peer’. On the occasion of the 210 years of Commandant’s of the Omsk Fortress House. (Only for 6-9 classes).
- ‘Fable: the history of genre since Aesop till our days’.
- ‘Poet- interpreter is a rare profession’. Meeting with a member of the Russian writer’s Union and the Union of interpreters -Eugenie Feldman.
- ‘:get acquainted with me through my books.’ R.Kipling in Evgeny Feldman’s translation. (Only for 4-6 classes).
Excursions on foot and by bus.
- ‘Dostoevsky and Omsk ‘. (On the territory of Old Fortress .)
- ‘ Lubinsky Avenue ‘. (The territory — ‘ Anniversary Bridge ‘- Drama Theatre).
- ‘Legends and myths about Omsk ‘. (The territory — Bukhgolc Square- Cathedral Square ).
‘ Literary Omsk in past and present’
The story is telling about the history of literary traditions in Omsk region. Passion for the history always begins with a passion for history and culture of your native land.
The exposition presents the unique items: personal belongings and original manuscripts of Omsk writers — Leonida Martinova, Georgy Vyatkina, Antona Sorokina, etc. It helps the person concerned to peep deeper in Omsk cultural life.
‘Our kind century we lived as humans:’
Excursion-conversation is about the fortunes of the famous Omsk writers, who were at the front and in the rear. Robert Rozdenstvensky, brothers Dobronravovi, Georg Suvorov, Iosif Livertovsky and the other writers represent the heroic chronicle of Omsk .
‘I firmly went in the 30s:’
The 2009 year is the anniversary year — 100 years of the birth of the famous poet Pavel Vasilev. His creative works reflect the main tendencies of the world and Russian literary processes.
The excursion tells about the poet’s fortune, whose talent was appreciated by B.Pasternak. You can see rare photographs of P.N. Vasiliev made in Omsk , manuscript of the poem ‘Leto’ (‘Summer’) and the only one edition of the poem ‘Salt riot’.
‘I love the life so dearly and hot’
The excursion is devoted to F.M. Dostoevsky’s life and tells about his creative work in Siberia : Omsk jail, Semipalatinsky period; also you will know the main events in writer’s life. The museum’s collection: photographs, pictures, copies of letters, items of the penal cloth, private collection of antique furniture and the other interesting exhibits.
‘ Omsk jail’s barrack’
The interactive exposition is held in the museum’s basement. Small size of the dungeon creates a special psychological effect, the feeling of the loss of liberty and it limits the personal space. The excursion tells about penal servitude, corporal punishments, prisoners in Omsk jail.
‘Your language is your speech’.
Clothes count for first impression only. Native speech helps us to express our thoughts, feelings, our intricate mutual relations with the world and difficult, exciting way of self-knowledge.
We were already born with a huge heritage- with Rich, Great, Powerful Language. And every person can increase his wealth to feel himself very happy. Happiness exists when people understand you.
‘Literature and theatre: stage version’
This discussion is for those people, who are really interested in literature and in theatre; for those, who are anxious about difficult, even dramatic relations between the original text and stage impersonation; for those, who want to understand language of theatre, to express an opinion not just with a help of two simple phrases ‘I like it or I don’t like it’- ‘good or bad’.
Any person, who wants to understand scrambled, metaphorical thoughts, and as a result — to reflect seriously about what you have seen and read. We offer you to do it together.
‘Our Silver Age’
The story is about Siberian metropolis, that became the capital of Russia and the centre for creative people at the beginning of 20 th century. The new ‘white capital’ was called a ‘shelter for noble muses’. What was the life in Omsk like- not white or red Omsk- but Omsk in Silver Age? We made an attempt to reconstruct this unique culturological era.
‘Shakespeare. The secret of name’
There are a lot of enigmas and secrets in the world history. But the most exciting and important is the secret of Shakespeare’s name. People were arguing about this theme for 2 centuries. The most convincing version is told by Egeny Feldman, the only one professional poet- interpreter and an expert on English history out of Ural.
‘I have no peace in my soul:’
Today not enough people know that the popular song the film ‘Office roman’ is written on the verse of the great Scottish poet of the 18 th century- Robert Burns. The famous children’s poet and interpreter — S.Ya. Marshak put his name on the name.
In Omsk lives and works a professional interpreter — Evgeny Feldman, who has translated two thirds of Burn’s heritage. He tells about Burns and his creative work with a full passion.
For children!
‘I live on the rainbow’.
It is a literary game, including quizzes, competitions, crosswords, which leads you into the world of tales and poetry of Omsk poet — Timofei Maksimovich Belozerov.
‘We are from the childhood’.
This discussion is based on the famous tale ‘Little Prince’ by Antuan de Sent Exupery and on some information about his biography.
‘Dostoevsky in Omsk ‘
The excursion is on foot on the territory of the Old Fortress.
‘ Lubinsky avenue ‘
The excursion is on foot on the territory ‘ Anniversary Bridge ‘- Drama Theatre. This is a story about city’s architecture and its historical events and legends at the end of 19 th century — beginning 20 th century.
‘Legends and myths about Omsk ‘
The excursion is by bus on the territory Bukhgolc Square- Cathedral Square . You’ll hear about historical facts through mythological awareness. Artistic interpretation forces you to glance at the old events in a different way , and moreover, it has amazing talent for turning all the habitual things into the new, unforgettable impression.