Omsk State Literary Museum
The Museum was opened in the Commandant’s of the Omsk Fortress House (built in 1799) on January 28, 1983 . F.M. Dostoevsky visited this place in 1859, leaving Siberia forever.
For many decades people considered the idea of foundation the literary museum. In the early 1920 th P.L. Dravert, N.F. Feoktisov, G.V. Grusser published the article ‘To the question of the foundation of historical and literary museum in Siberia ‘ (Journal ‘Sibirskiye Ogni’, 1928, ? 3), (‘Siberian lights’). Writers whose life and literary activity were connected with Omsk made an outstanding contribution to the museum’s collection: manuscripts, autographs, rare books, etc. Later A.F. Palashenkov, Z.B. Berezovsky, Yu. I. Shukhov, L.S. Khudyakova, L.F. Khapova continued this work. In October, 1978 it was created the literary department. Its main goal was gathering collections which reflect the history of creation and development of literary process in Siberia . Research workers of the literary department, such as A.E Leifer, V.S. Vainer, N.G. Sobyanina and artist E. Kuleshov worked on the first exposition. Methodological council of the State Literature Museum together with Cultural Research Institute noticed ‘:in Omsk we are going to establish an interesting and modern museum, the first regional literary museum in the country'(Cultural Research Institute manager — E.G. Vlasova; February 18, 1981).
Till 1991 Omsk State Literary Museum was a branch of Omsk State Museum of History and Literature. Then the museum acquired the status of Omsk State Literary Museum . The reconstruction of Omsk State Literary Museum and the creation of this absolutely new exposition were the main events in 2006. The exposition was devoted to three anniversary dates — 500 years to Dostoevsky’s clan, the occasion of the 185 years of his birth and 125 years of his death. Omsk Literary Museum has always been the only museum in Western Siberia , where the whole history of regional literature development is kept — since the end of 18 th century till the beginning of 21th century. The famous writers’ names were closely connected with Siberia, such as A.N. Radishchev, V.N. Odoyevsky, F.M. Dostoyevsky, P.P.Ershov, N.M. Yadrintsev, G.A. Machtet, P.L. Dravert, N.V. Feoktisov, G.D. Grebenshchikov, G.A. Vyatkin, F.A. Berezovsky. A.N. Novosyolov, A.S. Sorokin, L.N. Martynov, also P.N. Vasilyev, Ya. M. Ozolin, S.P. Zaligin, V.G. Utkov, S.I.. Dobronravov, I.M. Livertovsky, S.G. Tikhonov, I.F. Petrov, I.V.Listov, N.P. Ankilov, P.N. Rebrin, V.V. Poltorakhin, P.P. Karyakin, I.M. Belozyorov, N.K. Yurasova, L.I. Ivanov.
Today museum’s basic and scientific — auxiliary collections are nearly 19.000 items of exhibit. On a special place stand original manuscripts, books, photographs, documents, personal belongings of writers, literary critics, journalist, whose life and literary activity are connected with Omsk . Today Omsk State Literary Museum is a center of scientific and cultural activities, which main goal is examination, preservation and distribution of Siberian literary heritage. The priorities here are active participation in a process of formation and development Russian culture; also scientific research into new cultural reality within limits of historical, social and cultural context, in which the whole variety of regional features is reflected in writer’s creative works.
Tradition- innovation cooperation, interactive communication with wide audience, differentiated approach, and vivid word helps Omsk Literary Museum to be a spiritual place for residents of Omsk .
Scientific Work
F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk Literary Museum is a research centre dedicated to local literary investigations. Here information about writers connected to Omsk is concentrated. Personal files, newspaper and magazine publications are collected. The Museum keeps a data bank for every writer.
On November, 14-15, 2006, a conference ‘F. M. Dostoevsky and Literary Process’ was held.
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Conference Works
«Legends about F. M. Dostoevsky’s staying in the town of Kuznetsk» — Golub O. S., Novokuznetsk
«Literaturnoe nasledie sibirskikh perezhivanii F.M. Dostoevskogo» — Ричард Пис, США.
«F. M. Dostoevsky in Siberia (reading ‘Golosa Sibiri’ paper)» — S. V. Ananyeva, Almaty
«Trace of God in F. M. Dostoevsky’s writings» — Grigoriy Pomerants, Moscow
«»Small man» and «Big» Siberia in F. M. Dostoevsky’s fate» — P. D. Pominov, Ph.D., Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Almaty; Ye. I. Pominova, East Kazakhstan State University, Ust’-Kamenogorsk
«F. M. Dostoevsky as an object of Omsk Myth Creation» — V. S. Vaynerman, Honoured Worker of Culture of Russian Federation, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Science.
«Experience of Non-Liberty: F. M. Dostoevsky’s «The House Of The Dead» and V. N. Vasilyev’s «Deporting to the Eighth»» — Olga Grigoryeva, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
«Experiences on «Anthology «Poets about F. M. Dostoevsky»» — Ye. I. Katkova, Omsk State Scientific Library
«F. M. Dostoevsky and Tsh. Tsh. Valikhanov (based on «Tshokan Valikhanov and Turkic World» exhibition)» — Amanzholova A. N., Rybtshenko Ye. S., Semipalatinsk Literary-Memorial F. M. Dostoevsky Museum
«Stavrogin and Prince Harry (thoughts considering connections between W. Shakespeare «Henry IV» chronicle and F. M. Dostoevsky «The Possessed»)» — Rybtshenko Ye. S., Semipalatinsk
«Editions of F. M. Dostoevsky in the Omsk State Historical-Local Lore Museum Rare Books Collection» — R. A. Shaneva, Omsk State Literary Museum